Jeff The Killer: Old Silence

won day Jeff the Killer and his homeboy Dequan were all up in the hood
they desided to-go-to the courts and play some b-ball
when they got the the courtyard, comma they got outted they're b- ball's and starts to plaay
jeff the killer did some light dribbles but comma, Dequan jumped in the aire and flipped annd spinning and would go on to do a kick
when Dequan landed and did a slam dunk, he shattreded and broke, all the hoopz in the world
this made there rival b-ball team "The Hawkes" angered
the hawkes busted out theire legal fire arms and started to legally shoot at jeff the killer and Dequan
jeff the killer and Dequan got in the back of therie truck and started to drive towards Mexico
the hawkes got in their mordorcycles and chaseded them there to  mexico
when they got to mexiaco comma the hawkes started to fire at them with mexican legal firearms 
jeff the killer and Dequan toke cover behind the truck that they got to mexico with, but then the mexican police started to shoot at them to becuase they were gangstas from the hood and they thuohgt that they were going to invade mexico
just when the situation seems hopeless comma 5 poeple camed to help the situation that was seeing to bie hopeless
they're names weere "El Jorge", "El Juan", "El  Pedro", "Senorita Juanita", and "Senor Jesus".
they were part of a mexican gang called "The Vatos"
the vatos starts  to shoot at the police too help the soulbrothas Jeff the Killer and Dequan
the sould brothas used this opprutinity too snuck up behing the hawks
Dequan then did a bunch of really kool karate kicks and flips and it killed all the hawks
the police stopped shotting at the soulbrothas becuase the vatos told them that they were good gangstas ffrom the hood that did not want to invade the mexico with an invasion
the vatos got into the truck with the soulbrothas and tehy tooke a trip to germany
when they gotted to Germany , They maade shure to follow the germany's road rules in order too enjoy they're stay without vehicular axeidents
they decisded to stopped at "Heincherdales" which was Germany's best ice-cream shop and my freind went their oncce and he told that it ;was ppretty good and I thnik that he ordered peanut butter flavor but I Am not sure but he said that all the flavors are propabley good and he also said that it wassed  surpprisingly good for enjoily eating
el juan got bananana flavore ice creme
el pedro got cheese cake flavore iced cream
el jorge wanted to get a berry flavore icy cream ,comma. but because he is allergies to dairy he instead got a chacalate milk
senorita juanita got a a lemon flavore ISIS cream
senor jesus got a holy flavore ice cream
jeff the killer got a vanilla icicle cream
Dequan got a chocolate flavored ice cream
they all ate the ice creme and el pedro got an bran freze
Dequans chocolate flavored ice cream tasted so good that a started to bust into a rap
unfortanutly there were some old folks in heincherdales and theyh did not like the rap music
they kicked the soulbrothas and the vatos out of the shop 
Dequan did not like this so he got all the people from the hood and they stareted to bust a big rap in front of the old folks
they made the old folks now like raps and rappers like Vanilla Ice and Dan Bull
aafter leeading the rap revouluution, the soulbrothas and the vatos left germany 
jeff the killer and Dequan went back to the hoodz and the vatos went back to mexico
they had a fun time with their adventures and would hope to go on and have many more adventures
The End.